In this post we will show you how to easily send an email to a user that has not yet logged into their account.
This can be useful if you need to quickly prompt a user to access their account and start filling out forms you require.
First you need to be logged into FormTab Central as an Administrator user. Once logged in select the team in which the inactive user is located then select Members (shown in screenshot below).
Click on the user you want to send the reminder, note that you can check the column 'Active' to check whether the team member you or another administrator added has activated their account yet.
You should now be in the Edit Member section with details about this user. You now click the Resend Invitation option as shown in screenshot below.
After clicking Resend Invitation you will be taken back to the Members summary and have the below notification of success.
The team member will be sent a reminder email notifying them they need to activate their account.