Switching to paperless forms has benefits beyond just saving paper. You can calculate the Return On Investment you will see in your business by looking at three different areas – Remote Employees, Administration, and Printing and Storage.
How many employees do you have working in the field?
How many hours do they spend filling in forms?
What percentage of wages does the comprise?
Paperless forms can save you money in the field by cutting down the amount of time employees spend filling out forms. Digital forms also remove the risk of potential loss or spoiling inherent in paper systems.
How many employees do you have?
How many hours do they spend:
Paperless forms can save you money in the field by cutting down the amount of time employees spend filling out forms. Digital forms also remove the risk of potential loss or spoiling inherent in paper systems. Digital Form technology also saves time and money on administration. Consider how many hours your admin employees spend chasing up forms which are incomplete, illegible or lost; initiating actions such as booking appointments, creating orders, or data entry; and making calculations based on data collected in paper forms.
What are you costs for copying and printing?
What percentage of your printing is form-related?
What are your costs for storing paper forms?
The cost of paper is about more than just the price of a ream. Paper systems also incur costs through printing and copying and storage. Taking your forms digital can save your company a significant proportion of these expenses.
By considering these three streams of expenditure, you can build a detailed prediction of your ROI from switching to digital form technology. For more details, get in touch with us.