Introduction to Statuses

FormTab now lets you define custom statuses that can be assigned to your submissions.

When combined with the built-in reporting and exporting tools, statuses allow you to introduce managed workflows to your submission process.


  1. Adding statuses to your team
  2. Changing the status of a submission
  3. Searching submissions by status

1. Adding statuses to your team

Statuses are defined on a per-team basis.

To add/edit the statuses on your account, click Edit Team Settings on your team's dashboard.


At the bottom of the Team Settings page, click Advanced Options


Click Statuses to reveal the status editing panel. Click Add Status to add your first custom status.


Give your status a Name and optionally a Description.


Add as many statuses as you need, then click Save Changes.


2.  Changing the status of a submission

Changing the status of a submission is easy.

Once you have defined statuses for your team, you will now see a Status column in your submissions list.

Click the arrow to display a dropdown menu of the statuses and click the one you want to use.

 Calculation Builder 

3. Searching submissions by status

Once you have defined statuses for your team, you will be able to search/filter your submissions based on a status.

Go to your submissions area and click Advanced Search to open the search form.

Select the appropriate status from the dropdown.